The chart list for winter 2011 anime season is out. Have got it from
moetron since last friday. Here's the chart :

I think my download-watch list won't be as crazy as now [fall 2010]. For now, only Kimi ni Todoke 2nd season that I'll watch for sure. The rests depend on my first impression when I watch the first episode on next January. Some titles [other than Kimi ni Todoke] interest me though.
Just got another chart a few minutes ago :

Any recomendation?
I'd go for Gosick since it's adapted from a rather famous light novel (and also BONES ftw).
The OVAs look more promising, like Mirai Nikki, Goulart Knights, and KARA NO KYOUKAI!!!
The other shows just another moe crap and sequel that I haven't watched the first season (Kimi no Todoke, Mitsudomoe).
Gosick interests me too :D
I'll try to watch it
talking about OVA, there's Angel Beats! OVA too
what story will it be?
Mitsudomoe, just watched two episodes and then dropped it
Kimi ni Todoke and Mitsudomoe is my target. Others will be waiting for review.
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