Bulan April sudah sebulan dan itu artinya sudah sebulan juga Spring 2011 berlangsung. Anime-anime baru pun sudah sebulan pula menghiasi komputer saya. Dan sudah seperti yang saya duga dalam postingan ini, saya benar-benar menggila dengan mengambil sembilan judul anime yang masuk daftar download dan tontonan. Dan belum ada kemungkinan untuk men-drop beberapa judul [tapi mungkin bisa juga saya drop tergantung perkembangan]. Kesembilan anime itu adalah :
Saturday, 30 April 2011
Friday, 22 April 2011
Madoka, you've become a god and savior for the world

April 22nd 2011, I think I won't forget this rainy day. Why? Because in this day I watched Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica last two episodes, which is SOOOOOO AWEEEESOOOOOOME!! When I watched it, I was speechless. Don't know what to say to describe it in words. Never expect that the ending gonna be like this.
Walpurgisnacht arrive but Homura can't defeat her. So, Madoka made a contract with Kyuubee and become a puella magi. Her wish is "To erase every witch before they are born. Every witch from every world, from the past and the future. With my own hands." Due to her wish, she got an omnipotent power and become a god. She became the savior for the world. And then, I can't describe it.
Some screenshots :

The ending is not a happy ending, but maybe this is the best way to end it. And I really satisfied with this. Shaft, Akiyuki Shinbo, Gen Urobuchi, and all the crews, you've done a great work!! The best anime for Winter 2011 [and maybe best anime of the year] and one of greatest anime I ever
watched. Point : 9.5/10.
A quote from the final episode : "Don’t forget. Always, somewhere, someone is fighting for you. As long as you remember her, you are not alone."

Monday, 18 April 2011
Still eps 01 but it's already tearjerking

Just watched the first episode of Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai [Ano Hana, in short]. It is aired on noitamina slot, Fuji TV. At first I don't really interested but after read some "first impression" in Ano Hana thread, I thought I should try to watch it. And after watched the first episode, my comment is "Oh, it's still eps 01 but it's already tearjerking."
Ano Hana genre is kind of drama and slice of life. The story is about six childhood friends, Jinta, Menma, Anaru, Yukiatsu, Tsuruko, and Poppo, that were on a group named Chou Heiwa Busters, but some day, Menma died and then they are drifted apart. In the present day, Jinta become a hikikomori and Menma's ghost appear in front of Jinta. It seems that Menma appear to fulfill her wish from back then. Her wish only can be true if everyone [Chou Heiwa Busters] was together.

It has been for a while not watching a tearjerking anime. So, Ano Hana is on my watch list for this spring. It is on my drama slot, along with Hanasaku Iroha.
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
Nichijou dan Rumpun Melayu

Nichijou adalah karya terbaru Kyoto Animation [KyoAni] yang rilis Spring 2011 ini. Diadaptasi dari sebuah manga karya Arawi Keiichi. Seperti halnya Suzumiya Haruhi no Shoushitsu, anime ini juga disutradarai oleh Tatsuya Ishihara.Di post ini saya tidak bercerita tentang jalan cerita anime ini karena ceritanya sendiri hanya tentang kehidupan sehari-hari, sesuai dengan judulnya, Nichijou, tapi dibumbui dengan berbagai kelebay-an.
Dari dua episode yang sudah tayang, di Nichijou muncul beberapa unsur dari dua negara rumpun Melayu [saya memakai istilah ini agar netral, agar tidak terjadi keributan dua negara serumpun bertetangga tapi seperti musuh abadi], Indonesia dan Malaysia. Unsur tersebut antara lain ucapan "selamat pagi" yang diucapkan beberapa kali oleh Yukko dengan fasih di eps 01 dan ucapan "selamat malam" yang diucapkan Mai sebagai jawaban salam "selamat pagi"-nya Yukko. "Selamat pagi" dan "selamat malam" tentu merupakan kata salam yang sangat tidak asing bagi para penduduk dua negara rumpun Melayu ini.

Lalu di eps 02, ibunya Mio menulis pesan kalau sedang pergi bermain sepak takraw, sebuah olah raga yang sepertinya gak lazim bagi orang Jepang. Dan yang bikin ngakak adalah ada ilustrasi orang yang sedang main sepak takraw dengan backsound yang, ee bagaimana ya mendeskripsikannya, ya pokoknya begitu lah. Sepak takraw sendiri merupakan, konon katanya, olah raga yang asalnya dari rumpun Melayu ini.

Selain unsur-unsur di atas, yang juga menarik, di sebuah kertas yang tertempel di kelas 1-Q [banyak amat kelasnya] ada yang bertuliskan 「ガムラン」, baca : gamuran, maksudnya gamelan. Sebuah alat musik yang tentu tidak asing bagi saya yang orang Jawa ini. Ya, gamelan merupakan alat musik tradisional yang bisa ditemui di daerah Jawa-Bali.
Unsur-unsur rumpun Melayu di atas tentu saja membikin saya yang orang Jawa, orang Indonesia, ini ngakak sekaligus bangga tapi juga heran. Heran, sampai muncul pertanyaan, apa jangan-jangan si Arawi Keiichi pernah ke Indonesia ya? lol

Friday, 8 April 2011
Nendoroid HMO dan Kousaka Kirino

Datang juga dua nendoroid ini. Nendoroid Hatsune Miku absolute HMO edition dan nendoroid Kousaka Kirino. Dua nendoroid yang tanggal rilisnya berbeda ini [HMO rilis Januari, Kirino rilis Februari] bisa tiba secara bersamaan di hari Rabu, 20110406. Dua nendoroid yang benar-benar menguras keuangan. Baru kali ini punya nendoroid, setelah sebelumnya hanya punya figma dan nendoroid-petit. Ternyata nendoroid ukuran jauh lebih besar dari nendoroid-petit.
Langsung saja saya tampilken beberapa fotonya dari kamera seadanya [baca : kamera HP kualitas terbatas] :

Dan penghuni di kamar pun semakin bertambah. Setelah ini masih ada tanggungan figma Black Gold Saw tapi sepertinya saya sangat sulit melunasinya karena keuangan yang kritis dan terbentur proyek cosplay Ketika Kucing Laut Menangis. Terbersit untuk meng-cancel figma BGS tapi tunggu perkembangan dulu.

Sunday, 3 April 2011
She has left this world and will never come back again

Today, morning, I browsed the internet and get a bad news. One of my favorite cosplayer, Saya 「沙谷」, has left this world and will never come back again. Left this world? Yeah, it means she's died. She died on an accident on March 15th 2011 [it means that it's almost three weeks after her dead]. At first, I didn't believe it. But, after I read some informations, I realized that this is not April Fool's joke, it is TRUE. It is quite a shock for me.
I first knew Saya from the Otacool 2 Worldwide Cosplayer book on July last year. In that book, she was cosplaying as one of the character of Final Fantasy series, CMIIW. Although I don't know the character she's cosplaying, but I thought her cosplay is great. And I like her photos in daily suit [not cosplaying], she's such a cutie with a glasses.
But, after that, I never lurked her cosplay photos until a month ago, a few days before Sendai Magnitude 9.0 [March 11th]. When I was lurking Aira's photos on cosrain.com, found a lot of Saya's cosplay works. Her cosplay works are great, especially when she cosplayed as Hatsune Miku. I like her Miku cosplay, especially WIM and Saihate version.

Never thought that a few days later after me liking her cosplay works [and became a fan], she had gone forever.

So, in this post, I'd like to say my deep condolences. Thank you for all your awesome cosplay works. Goodbye, may your soul rest in peace. You'll always be remembered by your fans all over the world.
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