What is the best movie of 2010? If you ask that question to "normal" people, I'm sure most of their answer will be some of that common Holiwud movies [which is seldom to be watched by me]. But if you ask it to me, I won't answer it like "normal" people do. For me, the best, greatest, the most epic, awesome movie of 2010 is SUZUMIYA HARUHI NO SHOUSHITSU.

Point : 10/10. Good job KyoAni!!
[NB : Karena tiba-tiba penulis kehabisan ide dalam menulis, maka postingan ini pun berakhir di sini, mohon maaf kalo postingan ini tampak kacau, padahal sebenarnya penulis ingin menulis banyak tentang Shoushitsu. 仕方がない。]