Finally, Otacool 2 Worldwide Cosplayers is already in my hand. It is one of two Otacool series books that I really want to have. It is a book that contains some cosplayers’ photos from 23 countries, included Indonesia.
I have really wanted to have the Otacool book series since I knew the first book of Otacool containing worldwide otaku’s rooms. But, I didn’t know where or how I can order it because I don’t have any credit cards. So, I was hopeless at that time. And the eagerness to have this book was stronger when the second book of Otacool containing worldwide cospalyers released some months ago [I forget what month it was]. I said to myself, “I have to have Otacool no matter what because these books can be the references book that I need for my final task in college. When there’s a will, there’s a way.”
The way was opened last month [June]. I bought Animonster magazine #135 June edition. I surprised and very happy when read Library because there’s order session for both Otacool book. I said, “I must order it.” But the prices for both book are expensives, IDR 308000 each book. Because of the price, I decided to order only one of the books. Confused between Otacool 1 or Otacool 2. Finally, my decision is Otacool 2 [I thought the second book is more interesting].
20100701, I ordered it. And today, after the three weeks worth of waiting, the Otacool 2 Worldwide Cosplayers book arrives in my room when I went outside.
The mascot of Otacool
There are six Indonesian cosplayers in this book.
Now, I already have Otacool 2, but still I want to have Otacool 1 and maybe the upcoming Otacool 3. Maybe if I have a chance [and money obviously], I’d like to buy the rest of Otacool series.
Hope this Otacool 2 book can help me to do my final task so I can graduate with good grades. Hope this Otacool 2 book can inspire me and my cosplay team to not give up cosplaying.
Time to read! :D